Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Break 2010!

I have a confession to make: last week I un-ironically used the word, “yippee”. I’m so ashamed.
It wasn’t because our CSA box has begun bringing the first of its summer strawberries (though yippee to that), instead I’d been blindsided by an old acquaintance from college. This is the type of girl who seems to have exclamation points following her every sentences, wears more pink than a six year old and the only word you can honestly think to describe her would be “sunshine”.

This girl is incredibly sweet, but so full of excitement about all things in life I feel like I need a nap after talking to her. And so I used “yippee” to throw excitement into our conversation when really what I was feeling was far from yippee-esque. This past week has changed all that. I have had the week off from work and spent it road tripping around the Olympic Penninsula; seeing the sights in Forks, the Hoh rainforest, Port Angeles and Port Townsend. It’s been a much needed break when I didn’t even realize I was craving one. My week of freedom continues and after drinks and bingo tonight, I’ll be on my way to Spokane for a sweet little 12k and some quality time with old Spokane friends. Yippee to that!

photo via fffound

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