Wednesday, May 12, 2010

promises, promises

I was out the other night when I found myself fascinated by a conversation between a friend and boy she was interested in. The conversation itself wasn’t particularly exciting, but something about it kept me watching them until finally realizing what it was: her flirting tactics were (unfortunately) ones I myself had employed not that long ago.

Among other bad habits I used to have was finding everything a possible crush said to be INCREDIBLY funny and using an ungodly amount of hairography while talking. At the time I didn’t realize how much this made me look like a slightly deranged epileptic and since have thankfully have moved beyond such techniques.

However the night got me thinking about other things I’d like to change about myself and I realized my follow through could use some serious help. Honestly, I’m terrible at it. I start things, and then get distracted by others, leaving half finished projects all over the place. Case(s) in point: in the middle of this post I went out and weeded part of my garden; I’ve lived in my current house for almost a year and only recently finished decorating the bathroom.

The point of this rambling post is my blogging follow through needs some attention. So here’s my electronic version of crossing my heart and promising I’ll start making sure I actually do some writing on this, my little corner of the blogsphere.

Image from fffound

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